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ATW Airline Industry Achievements Awards

May 30, 2025
New Delhi, India


Please direct any questions to ATW Editor-in-Chief Karen Walker at [email protected] or +1 (703) 656-6300

Important Nomination Submission Notes

Nominations for the 51st Annual ATW Airline Industry Achievement Awards can be submitted for multiple categories. Each nomination should answer each of the questions and points contained in the online nomination form. An introductory overview by the airline/company CEO or senior executive is also welcome. 

Detailed statistics supporting the nomination are important and may include financials, safety credentials, traffic numbers or other data. We prefer Word documents but also accept PDFs. Other supporting documentation can include press releases, video, images, and customer endorsements. Please upload your supporting documentation within the online submission form.

The deadline for submissions is Tuesday, January 21, 2025.

Guidelines by Category

The recipient of the ATW Airline of the Year must demonstrate exceptional performance across all business and operational parameters for the 15-month period up to November 30, 2024. The airline must stand out against its peer competitors, have an outstanding record of safety, customer service, financials, product innovation, eco commitment, labor relations and community endeavor.

Financials: Where available, attach a brief summary of the company’s financial records for the previous 12 months.

Safety: Has the airline been involved in any serious safety incident in the past three years? If so, give details.

Business Strategy: Summarize the airline’s main strategies for growth and competitiveness.

Sustainability: Describe commitments to sustainability, such as the use of biofuels, recycling and waste management on the ground and onboard. Describe company efforts to widen green environment programs and wildlife preservation.

Customer Service: How does the airline set itself apart with customer service?

Product Innovation: Describe any new products introduced in the past two years.

Labor Relations: Is the airline unionized? How are employees engaged and motivated?

Community Endeavors: List charities and community projects the airline supports.

Attach a letter from the CEO confirming the airline’s wish to be considered for Airline of the Year and highlighting key achievements.

This award goes to an airline that practices and innovates in exceptional eco operations.

Describe this airline’s partnerships to increase sustainability and lower carbon emissions.

Describe this airline’s fuel conservation practices and work with alternative fuel programs.

Describe this airline’s green buildings, efficient taxiway operations and carbon offset programs or similar endeavors.

Describe aircraft technologies the airline has invested in to make its operations more eco-efficient.

Describe this airline’s recycling and waste management practices.

Describe any joint ventures or partnerships with companies, organizations and airports in eco-pursuits.

Attach a letter from the Chief Environment/Sustainability Officer confirming the airline’s wish to be considered for Eco-Airline of the Year and highlighting key achievements.

The ATW Excellence in Leadership Award is given to an individual who currently heads an airline or major air transport organization. The person should be currently employed in the air transport industry and is demonstrating outstanding and exemplary contributions to the air transportation industry.

Say why this person is considered a leader in the industry.

Detail achievements this person has been associated with and their positive impact on the air transport industry.

Describe this person’s leadership style.

Where available, attach copies of any speeches by this person.

Does the person being nominated know about this nomination? Y/N

The Lifetime Achievement Award is the top Award to an individual who has achieved a long, exemplary and standard-setting achievement across the industry. The Recipient will be a distinguished figure, likely recently retired but typically still connected to the industry, who is well-recognized across the industry, highly respected and who is regarded as a game changer.

Summarize the career and key achievements of this person.

List the airlines/organizations where they were CEO/President.

List industry organizations to which they have actively contributed (such as IATA).

Attach some key speeches or other examples of their work and leadership.

Does the person know they have been nominated? Y/N

This award goes to a low-cost carrier that is exceptional in the budget airline market.

LCC Signatures: Describe the airline’s ancillary fee policies, network strategy and choice of city destinations, and how it keeps costs low.

Sustainability: Describe this airline’s sustainability initiatives and programs in the air and on the ground.

Financials: Where available, attach a brief of the company’s financial records for the previous 12 months.

Customer Service: How does the airline provide low fares and good customer service?

Product Innovation: Describe any new products introduced in the past two years.

Attach a letter from the CEO confirming the airline’s wish to be considered for Value Airline of the Year and highlighting key achievements.

This Award recognizes those airlines, companies, organizations or individuals that are making a difference through their work to the lives and well-being of people around the world.

Nominees can qualify through their charity fund-raising and support efforts; active involvement in community improvement projects; active participation in disaster relief operations or similar activities.

Describe the charity/community/humanitarian support work being done.

How long has this activity been operating?

Provide key statistics/data, such as how much money has been raised or people helped?

Is the company/airline/organization’s CEO aware of the nomination for the ATW Humanitarian Award? Y/N

Attach a letter from the CEO acknowledging that the organization wishes to be considered for the ATW Humanitarian Award.

This award goes to an airline that has set itself apart from its peers, either in a geographic region or a market sector, or that has created or stimulated a market.

Market Uniqueness: Describe how this airline distinguishes itself from others in its market.

Market creation: How has this airline created or stimulated a new market, either a new type of market, such as a low cost where none existed, new routes, new hub, new tourist or business destination, or new type of service?

Financials: Where available, attach a brief of the company’s financial records for the previous 12 months.

Customer Service: How does the airline set itself apart in customer service?

Product Innovation: Describe any new products introduced in the past two years.

Attach a letter from the CEO confirming the airline’s wish to be considered for Airline Market Leader of the Year and highlighting key achievements.


This award goes to the airport that provides exceptional service to its airline, passenger and cargo customers.

Provide passenger growth numbers for the past year. How has the airport stimulated new airline customers and how has it managed this growth?

Describe passenger terminal facilities that speed the check-in process and enjoy an efficient and enjoyable experience from check in to boarding.

How does this airport work with its airline customers and control fees?

Describe this airport’s eco and green operations.

Describe this airport’s use of technology to facilitate self-service and ease of navigation around the airport.

Describe unique cultural facilities at the airport.

Attach a letter from the Airport CEO or director confirming the airport’s wish to be considered for Airport of the Year and highlighting key achievements.

This award is open to dedicated airfreight airlines and to passenger airlines that operate substantial cargo businesses.

Cargo Signatures: Describe refrigeration, temperature maintenance, special cargo and medical supply capabilities and policies.

Customer Service: How does the operator work with freight forwarders, airports and the end customer; how does it ensure real-time information on the status of cargo and delivery?

Innovation & Technology: Describe digitalization processes and industry-wide initiatives and collaborations.

Community/humanitarian Endeavors: Describe involvement in the transport of medical supplies, endangered wildlife and other commitments that help those in crisis.

Attach a letter from the CEO confirming the airline’s wish to be considered for Cargo Operator of the Year and highlighting key achievements.


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